OV2640 modulli WIFI+Bluetooth modulli SUNLEPHANT bilan ESP32 CAM ishlab chiqish platasi
Original saytga havola- 100 — 1999 шт 5000$/donasiga
- 2000 — 50119 шт 4000$/donasiga
- 50120+ шт 3000$/donasiga
1,5$ foto hisobot + tekshiruv
Biz tovarni tekshiramiz va foto hisobot tuzamiz, shunda siz to'g'ri mahsulotni olganizga ishonch hosil qilishingiz mumkin.
Xitoydan Ukraina, O'zbekiston, Yevropa davlatlariga yetkazib berish.
Yetkazib berish, Xitoyda omborga kelganda to'lanadi
Mahsulotlarni qaytarish faqat bizning Xitoydagi omborimizda bo'lganida mumkin. Xitoydan jo'natilgan narsalarni qaytarib bo'lmaydi.
Foto va mahsulot tavsifi
The ESP32CAM is a tiny module based on ESP32 chip and OV2640. You can even program the ESP32CAM through the ESP-IDF by installing the ESP32 Core.
The ESP32CAM equips the ESP32 with everything necessary to program, run and develop on the wonderchip. It also features a LiPo charger (IP5306) , so your ESP32CAM project can be battery-powered and truly wireless. Additionally, the board reserved the MPU6050,BME280 and an analog MIC.
l ESP32 specifications
¡ Dual-core Tensilica LX6 microprocessor
¡ Up to 240MHz clock frequency
¡ 520kB internal SRAM
¡ 4MB Flash memory
¡ Integrated 802.11 BGN WiFi transceiver
¡ Integrated dual-mode Bluetooth (classic and BLE)
¡ Hardware accelerated encryption (AES, SHA2, ECC, RSA-4096)
l CP2104 USB TTL
l OV2640 sensor
¡ Output Formats(8-bit):
n YUV(422/420)/YCbCr422
n RGB565/555
n 8-bit compressed data
n 8-/10-bit Raw RGB data
¡ Maximum Image Transfer Rate
n UXGA/SXGA: 15fps
n SVGA: 30fps
n CIF: 60fps
¡ Scan Mode: Progressive
l Camera specifications
¡ CCD size : 1/4inch
¡ Field of View : 78 degree
¡ Maxmium Pixel: 200W
l Sensor best resolution: 1600 * 1200
l Dimension: 25mm x 24mm
l Weight: 5g
? 主频高达240MHz,运算能力高达 600 DMIPS
? 内置 520 KB SRAM,外置4M PSRAM
? 支持OV2640和OV7670摄像头,内置闪光灯
? 支持图片WiFi上传
? 支持TF卡
? 支持多种休眠模式
? 内嵌Lwip和FreeRTOS
? 支持 STA/AP/STA+AP 工作模式
? 支持 Smart Config/AirKiss 一键配网
? 支持二次开发
体积超小的802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi + BT/BLE SoC模块