Charging wireless mouse notebook desktopcomputer mute Office
Original saytga havola- 100 — 1999 шт 5000$/donasiga
- 2000 — 50119 шт 4000$/donasiga
- 50120+ шт 3000$/donasiga
1,5$ foto hisobot + tekshiruv
Biz tovarni tekshiramiz va foto hisobot tuzamiz, shunda siz to'g'ri mahsulotni olganizga ishonch hosil qilishingiz mumkin.
Xitoydan Ukraina, O'zbekiston, Yevropa davlatlariga yetkazib berish.
Yetkazib berish, Xitoyda omborga kelganda to'lanadi
Mahsulotlarni qaytarish faqat bizning Xitoydagi omborimizda bo'lganida mumkin. Xitoydan jo'natilgan narsalarni qaytarib bo'lmaydi.
Foto va mahsulot tavsifi
Our radio batteries are on sale at a loss. If the demand for the mouse is high, please choose the charging mode. Thank you for your support.
Radio battery version, buy Nanfu batteries, stop using for about 8 minutes and enter a dormant state. It's very convenient to use it again by clicking the left or right button.
Wireless charging version, no need to buy batteries. Stop using for about 8 minutes and go to sleep. It's very convenient to use it again by clicking the left or right button.